Indramayu Mango Farm (IMF) plantation is located in Rancasari, Indramayu next to the Jatitujuh Sugar Cane Factory, West Java, Indonesia. The plantation area is about 11 ha and it has about 1500 mango trees including 120 young trees . Most of the mango trees or about 80 % are gedong gincu and the rests are Harum Manis and Cengkir ( Indramayu mango). The plantation project development was started in 1996 so most of the mango trees are now more than 20 years old.

The IMF plantation is intercropped by Porang trees following government spirit to make Indonesia is the biggest Porang producer in the world. Porang produces glucomannan flour which can be processed into dietary and healthy food, cosmetic, medical, and other industries.

Gedong Gincu (GG) mango is the most delicious mango and considered very special mango in Indonesia. During the kingdom era, the GG mango could only be consumed by king's family members. Ordinary people were prohibited to eat this mango.

GG has reddish to yellowish skin color and has been in demand of domestic and export market. The ripe GG mango has weight in the range of 180 - 350 grams and the brix value of about 14. The GG mango is quite similar with Alphonso mango which has been very popular in international market but GG tastes much nicer. Some people call GG mango also as apple mango because it has the same size with apple and has reddish skin color.

Gedong Gincu Mango

Gedong Gincu Mango Ready to Eat

The nutrient composition of 100 gram GG mango is as follow:

Vitamin A

: 3.984 I.U.


: 156 mg

Vitamin B1

: 0,06 mg


: 10 mg

Vitamin B2

: 0,06 mg


: 0,13 mg

Vitamin B3

: 0,584 mg


: 11 mg

Vitamin B5

: 0,160 mg


: 0,6 mcg

Vitamin B6

: 0,134 mg


: 0,51 gr

Vitamin B9

: 14 ug


: 17 gr

Vitamin C

: 41 mg


: 0,27 gr

Vitamin E

: 1.120 mg ATE


: 1,8 gr

Beta carotene

: 445 ug


: 65 Kcal

Source: Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah Tropika, Indonesia

The IMF Plantation is also a perfect place for camping and Edu tourism. The camping guests can enjoy tranquility and fresh air with unique  odor from Gedong Gincu leaves at night. During harvest season which normally starts from June until December, guests can pick GG mangos and selfie with  colorful GG mangos on the trees with beautiful background angles.

Entrance Signage of Indramayu Mango Farm (IMF)

Colorful Camping Tent

Camping Ground

Anyone interested to buy mango, Porang seed, plan camping, outbound activities, or to know more about IMF plantation please go to the contact menu and send email to our contact persons.  We welcome any plantation visitors and thank you for your visit to our website.

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